Health News Article- Dental Care

Article Title: Taking Care of One’s Teeth American Dental Association says many Americans don’t know basic oral care Article Source: Article Review: In this health news article, some of the basic principles of oral care are evaluated.  Many individuals do not know when they should change their toothbrushes.  Others do not know what actually causes cavities. This article provides a few tips to keep your oral health in check. To ensure that you are keeping your teeth at their healthiest, visit your dentist regularly to rule out periodontal disease.  Also, take the time to learn what you are eating. Since your teeth and jaws are made mostly of calcium, without calcium in your diet, you risk developing gum disease and tooth decay. The best ways to keep teeth away from gum disease and healthy is through prevention, care, and treatment information.  That means brushing your teeth and seeing your dentist regularly, and taking the time to learn about what you need for superior oral health. Dr. Kurt Schneider cares about the overall health of your smile too.  By helping to maintain good oral health, Dr. Schneider can keep your teeth looking beautiful for a lifetime.  We offer procedures ranging from tooth whitening to dental implants to make certain that your teeth look and function at their best. For more information about cosmetic dentistry and oral health, read the article listed above and contact Dr. Schneider!...