by Kurt Schneider | Dec 11, 2012 | Invisalign, Porcelain Veneers, Restorative Dentistry, Teeth Whitening
Relax In the Dentist’s Chair You might think that it is impossible to relax at the dentist. All you can picture are the sounds and the sights that typically accompany the dentist office—it all instills a sense of fear that makes you shake in your sneakers. Whenever the 6-month mark approaches for dental visits, all you want to do is hide. This is where Dr. Kurt Schneider can help. Dr. Schneider not only a dental expert, but an expert on helping patients feel welcome and comfortable in his office. With the help of sedation dentistry, Dr. Schneider is able to help his patients achieve their dream smiles with advanced dental technology and a caring demeanor. To learn more about sedation dentistry, keep reading Dr. Schneider’s blog. Sedation Dentistry and You Sedation dentistry opens doors that you never thought possible for your dental care. Instead of having to be afraid every time you come into the office for a dental appointment, you can feel calm and composed. Sedation dentistry gives you the ability to rest in a chair, and when you awaken, you can find your dental problems solved and your fear resolved. Not a bad deal! Sedation dentistry is a simple process too. Dr. Schneider will consult with you and discuss the best sedation methods for you. When the best treatment is determined for your individual needs, another appointment will be scheduled with instructions about how to use oral sedatives before an office visit. Dr. Schneider will also tell you what to expect during your entire treatment with sedation dentistry. While it might sound like the perfect opportunity for...
by Kurt Schneider | Dec 6, 2012 | Cosmetic Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry
All about Crowns and Bridges You might know that you need a new dental crown or dental bridge, but you don’t know where you should go to have the procedure completed. “What difference does it make?” you mumble to yourself. “It is only a crown that I have to worry about—how different could it be?” Dr. Kurt Schneider knows that there can be big difference with dental experiences. Some patients can go to other dentists for a ‘routine’ appointment and find themselves with dental work that is not up to par. With Dr. Schneider, you will never find yourself in this situation. Dr. Schneider completes procedures the right way, the first time. You can rest assured that your dental health is with a professional who truly cares about the end result. Through this blog, you will learn about dental crowns and bridges and how Dr. Schneider makes your entire dental experience better from start to finish. Keep reading to learn more! A Better Dental Experience Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that sit atop teeth. They are used to restore a tooth’s size, shape, strength, and for improving aesthesis. Dental crowns can protect teeth that are weak, cover misshapen teeth, cover a tooth that had a large filling, or hold a dental implant in place. Dr. Schneider uses porcelain for his dental crowns so that patients do not have to worry about the irritation that can occur in the mouth with traditional metal crowns. Porcelain keeps the gums and teeth healthier because of the way that Dr. Schneider is able to place them. A dental bridge is used to replace...
by Kurt Schneider | Nov 15, 2012 | Cosmetic Dentistry, Teeth Whitening, Uncategorized
Transforming Your Smile You call the photographer and set up an appointment for a family portrait in a few weeks. This has been your tradition for years, and you cannot wait to see how well this year’s photograph will decorate the walls of your home. As you write the date down on the family calendar, you catch your reflection in a mirror. “Wow!” you exclaim. “These teeth are not nearly as bright as they were last year! I am going to need some serious help to get this smile ready for the photo!” This is where Dr. Kurt Schneider can step in and help with teeth whitening procedures in his Southern California office. Dr. Schneider has the best teeth whitening techniques available so that your smile can look phenomenal for all of your events. To learn more about what Zoom! Teeth whining can do for you, keep reading Dr. Schneider’s blog! Your ticket to a whiter and brighter smile awaits, find out how simple achieving a whiter smile can be for you. Teeth Whitening with Dr. Kurt Schneider Teeth whitening can take up to 10 years off of the look of your smile and give you the ability to smile with confidence. During a visit to Dr. Kurt Schneider’s office, you can whiten your teeth in about one hour. All you have to do is sit back, allow the Zoom! Whitening gel to rest on your teeth, and wait for the special light to activate the whitening process. When you leave Dr. Schneider’s office, you will notice htat your teeth are up to eight shades whiter than when you...
by Kurt Schneider | Oct 30, 2012 | Cosmetic Dentistry, Porcelain Veneers
Your Smile You cannot wait for your family vacation that is only two months away. Every time that you pass by a calendar, all you can think about is how many more days that are left in the countdown. While you run through your list of to-do’s before the vacation occurs, you come across one item that you would love to cross off before the relaxation can begin. “If only I could change the look of my smile,” you mumble to yourself as you grin in a mirror. “Then my smile could beam in all of the vacation photos.” With Dr. Kurt Schneider, you can have the beautiful smile that you always wanted in less time than you ever thought possible with porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers repair any chips, cracks, or stains that appear on your teeth. In as liitle as two trips to the dentist’s office, you can have a smile that you are proud of and actually start enjoying smiling. Want to learn more? Keep reading Dr. Schneider’s blog! Porcelain Veneers and Your Smile Transformation Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are created to fit over your existing teeth. These veneers are created from molds of your teeth during a visit, so Dr. Schneider can construct the best looking porcelain veneers that best suit your individual needs. These veneers can change the look of your mouth, as various shapes, sizes, and lengths of veneers can be used to create your desired look. During your next appointment, Dr. Schneider will bond the dental veneers to your teeth and then ensure that the shape fits your mouth...
by Kurt Schneider | Oct 15, 2012 | Cosmetic Dentistry, Porcelain Veneers, Teeth Whitening
Cosmetic Dentistry and Your Smile You think about your smile constantly. You think about how you wish it looked different. You think about how much better it would look if you just didn’t have that one gap, crack, or chip. You think that there is no way that you could possibly change your smile’s look. This is where Dr. Kurt Schneider comes into the picture. Dr. Schneider is a cosmetic dentistry expert, who works to make your smile beautiful for a lifetime. Through this blog, you will learn about Dr. Schneider’s most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures, and find out how you can transform your smile into one that you love! Our Top Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Dr. Kurt Schneider takes pride in every cosmetic dentistry procedure that he performs. He knows just how important your smile is, and the direct impact that it can make in your life each and every day. Dr. Schneider is committed to making you feel as confident and happy with your smile as possible. Some of Dr. Schneider’s most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures include: Porcelain Veneers- porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain that fit over the front of teeth. They are used for “Hollywood smiles” and look beautiful and natural. Teeth Whitening- teeth whitening gives patients the ability to change a smile, without any dramatic procedures. All that is required is an hour in-office to completely transform the shades of a smile. Your smile can look younger in less time than you ever thought possible. Tooth Colored Fillings- these fillings give your smile a subtle makeover, as metal amalgams are removed and replaced with...