Financial Options
Dental treatment is an excellent investment in medical and psychological well being. Financial considerations should not be an obstacle to obtaining this important health service. Being sensitive to the fact that people have different needs in fulfilling their financial obligations, we are happy to provide the following payment options:
Payment Arrangements
We accept cash, personal checks and major credit cards. We bill dental benefits providers as a courtesy to patients. For patients who require extensive treatment we offer financing only through carefully selected and well-reputed institutions.
Credit Options
We offer financing for treatment through Care Credit. We have carefully researched many credit institutions and offer Care Credit because of its great reputation, easy application processes and in many cases low interest terms, giving you the best value for your money.
If utilizing credit is the best choice for you our team of experts can help you select a plan that suits your needs, budget and lifestyle.
To learn more about your options, please click here to link to Care Credit.