Sedation Dentistry Gives Relief to Fearful Patients

It may be hard for some to believe, but many people are terrified of going to the dentist.  You usually hear about people being scared of medical doctors, not dentists.  This is often not the case.  A large number of people are much more terrified of the dentist than their normal medical doctor.  In recent years, a new arm of dentistry has emerged called sedation dentistry.  Dr. Schneider, a Mission Viejo dentist, specializes in this type of dentistry.  Sedation dentistry allows patients to be put to sleep for any type of dental work, including cleanings.  With sedation dentistry, patients will not even realize that they’ve had their teeth cleaned or a cavity filled.


If you are fearful of the dentist, but in need of a teeth cleaning or other dental work, please call Dr. Schneider, a local Mission Viejo dentist.  His office has years of experience providing sedation dentistry to thousands of patients in the Mission Viejo area.  Many of Dr. Schneider’s patients have been with him since he first opened his practice in 1992.  Do not let fear get in the way of a healthy smile.  Call the office of Dr. Kurt Schneider, today, to learn how to schedule your appointment with one of the area’s leading dentists.

No More Metal Mouth with Irvine Invisalign

It is hard to believe that, before a few years ago, the orthodontic industry had not changed much in the last 50 years.  While 50 years ago braces were not available to most people, they were available to the wealthy members of our society.  Just five years ago, braces looked and worked in almost the exact same way as they did 50 years ago.  That was until the revolutionary Invisalign technology hit the market.  Invisalign was a real game changer, in the dental world, and made it much easier to have straight teeth, without the pain and time commitment that braces require.  If you are in the market for straight teeth, you should contact Dr. Kurt Schneider, an Irvine Invisalign expert.


Dr. Kurt Schneider has completed advanced training at the Invisalign headquarters, to ensure that he has the necessary knowledge to transform your smile.  There are many orthodontists who claim to offer Irvine Invisalign services, but very few have completed this rigorous training.  Dr. Schneider is also a board certified, Irvine Dentist, offering preventative care, as well as restorative care.  Give Dr. Schneider’s office a call, today,ES for all of your orthodontic and dental needs.



Find Your Secret Smile with Orange County Dental Implants

Taking care of your teeth should be a top priority for everyone, but unfortunately all of us have not done the best job of maintaining our smile throughout our life.  There can be all types of reasons for neglecting our teeth, some of which are within our control and others which are not.  With Orange County dental implants, you can transform your smile in a few short weeks.  With dental implants, you can take on a completely new identity and regain that confidence that you have been lacking for years.

Dr. Kurt Schneider is one of the leaders in Orange County dental implants and would be happy to sit down with you for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your new dental work.  It’s important to choose an experienced dentist when investing in something as important as your mouth.  Some may not admit it, but people judge others by their smiles.  Call Dr. Schneider, today, so that you no longer have to worry about whether people are judging you because of your teeth.


Dr. Kurt Schneider – The Irvine Dentist Who Cares Deeply for Patients

For many dentists, patients are merely numbers.  Dentist offices strive to quickly get as many people in, and out, on a daily basis, so that they can boost their profits.  This often results in inferior care – and, typically, dental problems tend to get overlooked.  Over time, this can cause big problems for your mouth and your wallet.  Preventative dental care should be just that – preventative.  If your dentist misses something, and you come back later and have to pay for a root canal instead of a small cavity, you will be sorely disappointed.


Irvine Dentist, Kurt Schneider has taken a completely different approach to dentistry.  He makes it his mission to provide quality dental care and spend one-on-one time with each of his patients.  A few things that set his practice apart from others are listed below:


  • Conducts a detailed head and neck exam to screen for oral cancer.
  • Uses state-of-the-art camera, called an intra-oral camera, to get an incredibly detailed picture of your mouth.
  • Measures gum pockets and check for gum disease.
  • Finally, Irvine Dentist Kurt Schneider meets with each patient, one-on-one, to ensure that all of your questions are answered.


If this sounds like what you are looking for in a dentist, give Dr. Schneider’s office a call — today — at 949-380-0700.


Invisalign – A Magical Way To Straighten Your Teeth

Straightening your teeth no longer has to involve those ugly metal braces that haunted so many of us as kids.  Invisalign is a relatively new technology which allows dentists to straighten your teeth by using a series of invisible aligners which slowly move your teeth and transform your smile.  Dr. Schneider is a certified, Orange County Invisalign expert.    Invisalign technology has completely revolutionized the Orthodontic industry by allowing people to straighten their teeth without the horrors of braces.  Invisalign is also a much more cost-effective way to straighten your teeth, and results can be seen much faster than with standard braces.

Dr. Schneider is one of the most well-respected Orange County Invisalign experts.  He has been trained at the Invisalign headquarters and is ready to provide you with this state of the art technology.  Not many dental professionals have gone to these lengths to ensure that they are equipped to provide you with the most perfect smile possible.  His patients are raving about the quick results after using Invisalign.  Give us a call, today, and learn how you can get a $500 tooth whitening credit if you choose Invisalign with Dr. Schneider.


Health News Article- Preventing Tooth Decay

Article Title: Coconut Oil Treated With Enzymes May Prevent Tooth Decay


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Today, most people know coconuts for the latest craze with drinking coconut water for ultimate hydration.  However, new studies are also proving that coconuts might be able to help protect our teeth as well.  Researchers found that enzyme-treated coconut oil is able to stop cavity-causing bacteria from growing.

This finding could change how dental hygiene products are created.  Instead of having to use chemical additives in dental health products, coconut oil could be used to replace unnatural ingredients.  Less chemicals and a healthier mouth—a win-win situation!

The goal of adding coconut oil into our dental products is to prevent tooth loss and infection.  The goal is protect tooth enamel, so that each layer of the tooth is not eaten away from acid and bacteria.

Dr. Kurt Schneider knows the importance of dental health, and continually works to ensure that his patients’ smiles look beautiful and remain healthy for a lifetime.  By staying up to date with the latest health news information, Dr. Schneider is able to identify new methods of keeping smiles at their best.  With this information, he is able to help his patients achieve their dream smiles with less pain and recovery time than ever before.

For more information about how you can maintain your oral health, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Schneider.  Our dental team will help you to achieve your more brilliant smile—learn more today!