Tips for Choosing a Cosmetic Dentist

Because so many dentists are branching out into cosmetic dentistry, finding the right one to do Orange County dental implants can be a staggering undertaking. Usually there is no insurance administrator that can direct the selection, as cosmetic dentistry is not often covered by insurance. Without a referral system, the decision-making process can seem insurmountable. These tips should make the process a little easier to navigate.

Start with a Referral

If the regular dentist does not provide implant care, he or she may be able to provide a referral to a dentist that does. The recommendation does not come lightly, as their own reputation is on the line. Other sources of referrals can come from friends, family, neighbors and coworkers.

Questions to Ask

It is important to thoroughly check out the cosmetic dentist before scheduling the consultation. During a phone call, questions that might be asked would be:

  • Is the dentist a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry?
  • How long has the dentist been in practice?
  • What technology does the dentist employ (lasers, CAD/CAM restoration, intraoral imaging, etc.)?
  • How are emergencies handled?
  • Are before and after photos of previous patients available and satisfactory?

Schedule a Consult

Following the research, visit the cosmetic dentist to discuss the Orange County dental implants. At the consultation, the dentist will review information from the regular dentist and examine the patient to make a determination of their own. Next, there will be a discussion about what the patient’s expectations are and what the dentist can provide. A treatment plan will be worked out and a quote for services given.

How to Choose a Newport Beach Dentist

Those who have recently moved to Newport Beach or who have not visited a dentist in many years may have questions about how to choose a Newport Beach dentist. A relationship with a dentist can last for decades, and the care of one’s teeth depends on that relationship being a good one. How a dentist conducts their patient care, what techniques he or she uses, and other factors can be important in choosing the right dentist. Below are some tips for choosing the right dentist in Newport Beach.

Check with Insurance Company

Some insurance companies provide dental insurance coverage. In order for it to apply, patients may need to see dentists in the approved network. Checking with your insurance provider to find out if there is such a restriction can save lot of time, money and frustration down the road.

Get Recommendations

People will gladly reveal bad experiences they had with a dentist, as well as good ones. Ask friends, family members and coworkers for recommendations. Coworkers may be among the best referrals because they share the same dental plan and will know who is covered and who isn’t.

Check Availability

Some dentists may not be accepting new patients. Others may not offer office hours that fit a person’s schedule. This can be a deciding factor on whether or not that is the right Newport Beach dentist to see for you.

Make an Appointment

After the research has been done, it is time to make an appointment. Schedule a simple semi-annual cleaning. Observe the waiting room and take note of the number of patients and the overall appearance of the place. Is the staff cheerful and helpful? Observe how the dentist interacts with patients. Do you feel a good chemistry with the dentist? If so, then the right provider was selected. If not, try someone else for the next cleaning. From here, the decision to seek another opinion or proceed lies with the patient.

What to Expect from a Dead Tooth

If you have experienced a serious injury that killed one of your teeth, you may just be a few short weeks or months away from seeing the full effects of that injury. As much as you may hate to think about having dental work done, the fact of the matter is that if you have a dead tooth in your mouth, it is only a matter of time before you aren’t the only one who knows you have a dead tooth.

Sometimes a fall or some sort of heavy impact will loosen your tooth to that the roots are no longer attached. Just like anything else with roots, when the roots are not attached there is no way to get nutrients through to the tooth. It is easiest to see this in plants and trees, as it is obvious when they die. They turn brown and brittle.

Your Orange County cosmetic dentist probably won’t be able to save your tooth, but he or she will be able to save you from the embarrassment that can be the result of a dead tooth. Over time, that tooth will turn an ugly brown color and can cause you to avoid smiling, talking, or going out at all. It could even impact the results of job or college interviews, even if no one says that is the problem. Visit your Orange County cosmetic dentist today to learn what your options may be for dealing with a dead tooth.

Don’t Forget This Important Part of Your Body Detox

Don’t Forget This Important Part of Your Body Detox

More and more people are trying to eat healthier and are looking to organic solutions as a means to avoid any unnecessary chemicals in their bodies. Cancer, mental health issues and brain disorders sometimes tend to be born of the chemical poisoning that results from all of the preservatives, added flavors and added colors in our food today.

For most people, the first step is a whole body detox. This can be done by getting rid of all the junk food in the house and other foods that contain ingredients you can’t pronounce. The next step is to restock with healthy foods and complete a detox diet that usually consists of smoothies and foods that have antioxidants. Yet some people overlook one very important area: their teeth.

In the past, fillings and other dental procedures were done using materials that contain mercury. Your Orange County dentist can tell you if you have any of these materials in your mouth. If you do, part of your detox program should be to have those materials removed and replaced by your Orange County dentist.

Planning for a healthy diet is a great idea as long as you follow through with it. However, if you have mercury in your mouth, you are poisoning your body on a regular basis. The mercury gets into your blood stream and can cause all sorts of serious health problems. It has been linked to Alzheimer’s, for instance. Don’t wait until you see the effects of the mercury. Have your dental work examined today.

What to Expect from Your Root Canal

The term “root canal” strikes fear in the hearts of even the bravest patients, but there is no longer a reason to fear this procedure. The old way of performing root canals has fallen by the wayside, and new treatments are virtually pain-free, leaving patients feeling better, without having to spend days recovering. Instead of putting off your root canal, take a moment to understand what you can expect from your Irvine dentist when you undergo this procedure.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is the procedure that removes the infected or decayed pulp from a tooth. This allows the tooth to be saved so you don’t have to get it extracted. The pulp needs to be removed, because, if left untreated, it can cause the tooth to become abscessed, which is a far more painful condition. The bacteria can also cause infections.

How Much Will It Hurt?

Many people are concerned about the potential pain of the procedure, but the pain that the infected pulp causes before the root canal is far more intense than the root canal procedure. Advances in local anesthetics now allow dentists to perform root canals while patients feel little to no pain at all. Remember, leaving the tooth untreated will cause you more pain down the road, so be sure to schedule your root canal before the situation requires more invasive treatments.

Your Irvine dentist knows all the latest techniques to perform your root canal quickly and with as little pain as possible. The term “root canal” is no longer one of which to be fearful, and having this procedure can help save your teeth.