If you are trying to decide between dental implants and dentures, you should make sure that you have the necessary information before making this important decisions.  Typically, dental implants offer several advantages over traditional dentures.


More Secure – When an Orange County cosmetic dentist installs dental implants, they are literally attached to your jaw bone.  This offers a significant advantage over dentures, because dentures require constant maintenance.


Easier Time Speaking – With dental implants, speaking is much easier than with dentures.  Your mouth eventually will get used to implants as if they are your real teeth whereas with dentures, your mouth never truly gets used to them.


No temporary adhesive – With dental implants, there is no need for temporary adhesives.  This makes the maintenance of dental implants much easier than dentures.


If you are in the market for dental implants, give Orange County cosmetic dentist, Dr. Kurt Schneider a call today at 949-380-0700.  He is commuted to restoring your smile so that you can get back to loving life.  Visit his web site at www.drkschneider.com to read more about Dr. Schneider’s fantastic practice.