Need Gum Disease Treatment near Mission Viejo, Orange County, CA?

According to The American Academy of Periodontology, nearly half of American adults have some form of gum or periodontal disease. Health risks associated with gum disease include gum erosion, tooth decay, bone damage and heart disease. Dr. Schneider and his entire team take gum disease diagnosis and treatment very seriously.

Your gums work just like a protective blanket, protecting your teeth, their roots the bones and much of the healthy tissue you need in order to maintain oral health,” said Dr. Schneider. “That’s why good gum health is so vital, your gums protect your mouth which is the gateway to the rest of your body. It is all connected and, in most cases, gum disease is easily treatable.

Prevention and proper treatment of periodontal disease can cut your risk for heart disease in half, as well as keep your mouth healthy and pain free. Dr. Schneider utilizes several approaches to reverse and cure periodontial disease.

  • Antibacterial therapy is a topical solution that can be applied to areas where your gums are most affected or used as a mouth rinse to reduce and prevent periodontal disease. It is a low maintenance and easy solution for prevention, if periodontal disease indicators are caught early.
  • Frequent cleanings for patients who tend to develop plaque and other bacteria more rapidly than others is in many cases more a smart and effective remedy.
  • Curettage or scaling and root planning is a deep cleaning treatment that can only be administered by trained professionals, like Dr. Schneider and his hygiene team. Curettage therapy removes plaque and tartar from the teeth and smoothes root surfaces beneath the gum line.
  • Enzyme suppression treatment is often prescribed with curettage. Enzyme suppression tablets are taken orally to reduce oral enzyme attacks on gum tissue and bone.
  • Periodontal surgery is used for those with advanced infections. Dr. Schneider partners closely with several periodontal specialists in the area should surgery be required.

If you suffer with inflamed or painful gums, or the halitosis associated with gum disease, please call our smile care team to schedule your consultative visit and exam at (949)380-0700.